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"Be the change you want to see in the world."

Mahatma Gandhi  

Who am I? Here are some of the cold hard facts and some of the soft and warm ones : )

bulletI was born in 1953 (you do the math ) although I am sure there was a mistake and I'm only 21. I am an Aquarius.me

bulletI live in a small suburb of a large city in NJ but I was born and raised in the inner city.

bulletI'm divorced, no kids (not the human kind).

bulletI am an RN by profession. I manage a program, from a large urban medical center, that provides dialysis to smaller area hospitals. I have my Baccalaureate degree in nursing as well as certification in my specialty

bulletI am owned by two doggies, Buddy and Bogey. They allow me to share the house with them but they draw the line at the sofa. : )

bulletI love animals and a large portion of my website is devoted to them.

bulletI love music - all kinds, gardening, and to read but I must admit that much of my p.c. (pre computer) interests have fallen by the wayside since I spend so much time here.

bulletI am somewhat stubborn and determined by nature. Some might term me a fighter ;-) I am obsessive about things that interest me and that I care about. I never give up and so I keep trying. I fail. I try again. I succeed. I believe that motivation is a factor in success as much as intelligence and talent. Over the years I have learned to choose my battles a bit more carefully, but only a bit. ; )

bulletI became involved with computers in 1973 and worked with them on and off through the years in a business-type capacity. I didn't purchase my first PC until 1996. I didn't create my first graphic or web page until 1998. I am fascinated by the effects that can be created with a bit of help from the graphics proggies. It has become a magnificent obsession. I learn and find that the more I learn, the more there is to learn. I have also found that where I used to say "How'd they do that?" I now say, "Wow, they did that!"


bulletI am: Thankful for what I have, Non-judgemental, Analytical, Loyal, Independent, Understanding, Honest, Obsessive(because I will get it done).

bulletI am: Tempermental, Independent, Impatient, A procrastinator, Solitary, Obsessive(because I will make you crazy till I do).

bulletI dislike: Intolerance, Bullies, Betrayal, Having my seat switched at lunch.

bulletI admire: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.. Golda Meir. Albert Schweitzer. Dian Fossey (and others but these are my all-time top 4).

bulletFavorite colors: Earthy tones from orange to peach from tan to brown from gold to green.

bulletFavorite time of year: Summer! but I do love to see the seasons change.

bulletFavorite thing to do: Laugh ;-)

When I feel like worrying I think about the world and how little things have really changed. How we've put some foundation, powder and a bit of blush on it, but below the surface it is much the same as it was 100 years ago. In ways it counts anyway. Then I think how amazingly wonderful the world is, and how miraculous birth is and how in spite of all of our efforts to undermine love, grace and humanity, they are still on the top of the list and always the essence to live for.

I am an Aquarius. I am not a devout follower of astrology, however I do think that it often touches on parts of us that are true.



The ancient Egyptians associated Aquarius with a vital spiritual force that nourished and renewed life. Pictured as a man or woman pouring life-giving waters from an urn, the symbol portrays humanitarian efforts to nourish the earth with the spirit of collective humanity through communication of ideas and feelings. New life springs up with water --your sign is associated with what is new. You're often first at thinking and doing things that others follow. You're an idealistic, independent, inventive thinker -- quick-witted, positive, excitable and, when necessary, aggressive and combative. Your vision, purpose, or ideal is sharing your brilliant ideas with others in an effort to enlighten them for their own good.

Your keyword is ENLIGHTENMENT.

Your sympathetic nature causes you to deeply sense mankind's suffering. Consequently, your attitude toward others is generous, kind, and humane. Guided by your innate foresight and appreciation for the brotherhood of man, you envision a utopian future for the human race in which everyone treats each other alike, regardless of gender, color, nationality or background. You're aroused to contribute to society by dispensing your humanitarian ideals, and carefully ponder the most expedient ways to inspire understanding among others. Realistic, practical, determined, persistent and faithful, you can become melancholic, despondent, retiring, stubborn, aggressive or rebellious when restricted.

".....When everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am."

The GooGoo Dolls

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