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If a man does not keep pace with his companions perhaps it's because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears however measured or far away.  Henry David Thoreau
title Wavs

I started out on my AOL adventure several years ago. I just surfed the net at first but after finding the rooms I was a bit disillusioned. In large part people were cliquish, or just downright mean. I really didn't need a good excuse to fight. : ) I had received some wav files, somewhere down the road, voice wavs of cartoon characters and such. I did at that time think they were great. One day in a chat I played a few and a girl picked up on it. She promised to send me wavs and she kept her promise. In the next three days she sent over 100 wavs! However when I opened them...they were all music. I was a little disappointed...and then I listened...and then I was hooked. I found the wav rooms shortly after and was instantly amazed by how friendly and generous the people were, all brought together by their love of music.

The format and the quality of the wavs have changed drastically in the years that I have been involved. Much of that is due to the ability to compress them without losing the quality. That is where MPEG comes in. I have provided a link to a site that gives mega info on wav files and compression. It is the best site I know of. If you've ever wondered how it's done or how you could do it...go there. I have also provided a link to a website that has one of the best programs for recording and a link, as well, to a tutorial I wrote, on how to make a wav in Cool Edit. It's relatively easy to use and you will be surprised at how well you can record from a cd. It's a lot of fun too!!!

The links below will help you in your quest for finding the perfect wav. There is also a tutorial I've written on how to make them, perfectly, with the program Cool Edit. : )

bullet Joys Pad This is one of the most extensive, intelligently written but easy to understand, sites that explains MPEG compression of audio files. The MPEG codec is available for download from there.
bullet Cool Edit  Just a super program for recording and editing wav files and whatever kind of audio files you might be into. It has every feature you could want in an easy to use interface.
bullet Wavman This is a great little program for organizing your wav files. Actually it's not so little and has alot of great features. The price tag is little though.
bullet Brian's Sound Tools For MAC users- this is a program that is supposed to convert wav files to system sounds
bullet How to Make Wavs  I've taught many people, both on line and off, how to make wavs using the Cool Edit proggie. This tutorial explains it all. It will open to a new window-close to return here.
Wavs Intro :: How to Make Wavs
The Miracle

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