Please wait, images loading top1top2top3 corner

This is how this set will look with the addition of four straight line images. The images are placed in the same cell as that of the side images and appear on top of and below the side image on each side. There are various possiblities, as you can also add additional side pattern images as well and these are included in the zip file.


Please take note that the side image I refer to is diced and although it appears as one image it is actually comprised of three different images to create the whole. The three images must be used all together and will look pretty funky if split up.


Remember the important point is to keep the table widths and heights equal to the length of the side images minus the top and bottom images and do not use more text and images than that which will stay enclosed in the borders or you will not have a smooth effect.


Please e-mail me if you do decide to use this or also if you need help.

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